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    An overlooked crown jewel
    The unique location of the Upper Trinity River Corridor brings ecotourism to an urban environment
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  • Slider Clean Trinity
    Our life-sustaining water
    Trinity Coalition is a significant advocate for the Trinity River

Trinity Coalition

The Trinity Coalition is a voice for recreation and conservation within the Upper Trinity River Corridor.

Established in 2015, we are a nonprofit organization that is opening doors to the Upper Trinity River and its surrounding parks and natural ecosystems. By improving community access to the river, Trinity Coalition connects the Dallas-Ft Worth metroplex to conservation activities that clean and protect North Texas’ greatest natural assets.

OUR FOCUS We focus on three main areas:

Recreation: We believe that the more citizens experience the river, the more dedicated they will be to protecting the river. We develop and promote high-quality river access, events and activities to engage the community and strengthen public connection to the Upper Trinity River and the Trinity River National Water Trail.

Conservation: We believe that clean rivers lead to healthy communities. We offer hands-on conservation programming, events, and activities that engage the public in caring for and protecting the Trinity River. We employ a variety of media outlets to educate the public about the health of our River and how the public can keep the River clean for future generations.

Connection: We believe that nature should be accessible to everyone. We support the work of nature-based non-profit organizations along the Trinity River by promoting their activities through social media and public programming.

TRNWT Rgb Clean

Trip Reports

Full Moon Paddle

Full Moon Paddle from Panther Island

Nov 10, 2024

We had about 30 people launching from Panther Island Beach in Fort Worth into a lovely sunset. We paddled up the West Fork past University Bridge and through the "forest" past that bridge. When the trees thinned out we turned back. Partway through the forest, one of the kayaks, a WS Tarpon 120, suddenly stopped moving. No mater how much the paddler tried to move it, it would not budge. But it was not on a rock or a tree. One of the guides hooked on and tried to tow it, and another reached under the hull to see if something was caught. She found nothing. All pushed and pulled and paddled for several minutes, but whatever river monster had that boat refused to let go. Finally one of the guides pulled the boat backwards hard, rocking it, then pushing forward again. Finally the monster released it and the kayak moved freely again. We never found out what had trapped the kayak. We just returned to the beach, enjoying the amazing vista of the full moon against the city lights.


Cowtown 2 Small

Cowtown Great American Clean Up on the Clear Fork

Apr 13, 2022

On March 26 Trinity Coalition and the North Texas River Runners joined the Cowtown Great American Clean Up to clean up trash on the Clear Fork of the Trinity River National Water Trail.


Group Resized

Exploration Camping Trip on the Lower Trinity River

Dec 10, 2021

Trinity Coalition members joined members of the Dallas Downriver Club on a three day paddling trip to explore the Lower Trinity River Below Lake Livingston.


The Trinity Coalition

Providing Conservation through Recreation

Articles & News

Dale On The 11 Point Crop

Updated. Those who survived Snowmageddon understand that cold weather can be a serious issue even her in the Lone Star State. Many people assume that there is no good paddling in the winter, that all kayaks and canoes and fishing gear should get packed away once the thermometer drops. I am sure the Eskimos would find that very amusing. The fact is that some of the best paddling and fishing adventures happen in the winter%E2%80%94especially here in Texas%E2%80%94when there is actually water in the rivers and lakes and you are not getting baked by the Texas sun. But to take advantage of winter on the water and be safe, you do have to take a few precautions and do some careful planning to stay safe and comfortable out on the water.

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