Corporate Cleanup Events: Fun on the River while Practicing Team Building and Good Stewardship
For corporations and organizations looking for a fun way to get into nature while doing good, we have created custom cleanup events. These events allow your organization to participate in a water-based river cleanup with boats and gear supplied by Trinity Coalition. Great for including families or just a spacial day out of the office, these events allow participants to see first hand not only the beauty of the river, but how important good stewardship is to it's survival. Competitiion to find the most interesting trash or bring in the most full bags often livens up the day. So far the prize for largest single piece of trash goes to Joseph Mullin, who brought back a wrecked jet ski that had been abandoned in the river!
Our current corporate partners include: Freese and Nichols,, Sales Force, The Marketing Arm, EVO, and Halff.
Organization and municipality partners include: Tarrant Regional Water District, Keep Grand Prairie Beautiful, City of Fort Worth, North Texas River Runners, Tarrant County College, First Presbyterian Chirch, Park Springs Bible Church, and Stewards of the Wild.
If you or your organization would like to discover the fun and satisfaction of doing a river cleanup event, us the contact link to let us know so we can build an event for you.
You may choose any date, weekday or weekend, though weekdays often work better. It is recommended to pick a weather date to fall back to in case of bad weather or overly high flows.
Location: We will help you select the actual location based on weather and flow and what type of experience you want. There are a number of locations in both Dallas and Fort Worth that work well for custom cleanup events.
Sample Schedule:
Attendees will meet at the cleanup area at a time of your choosing, (though morning is suggested) and receive a meal and a safety and instructional briefing. (unless you have chosen to have your meal or snack at the end of the cleanup event). Each will then be fitted for life vests and assigned a boat and be given grabbers. gloves, and trash bags. We will launch in groups with our safety paddlers there to assist. Most cleanup paddle events last between 2 to 4 hours with 1 to 3 hours on the water.
Trinity Coalition provides:
2 person canoes (3 with child), 2 Person kayaks (limited number available), Single kayaks, with paddles, life vests, trash grabbers, gloves, and trash bags. TC will also provide a meal (lunch box sandwich, breakfast burrito, etc) drinking water as well as safety boater/guides.
Interested? Reach out by calling us at 214 478-7856, or click HERE to send us an email.